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Toe Toe (Austroderia)

  • Frost hardy 

  • Fast growing

  • Evergreen

  • Grows in and tolerates a range of habitats from sand dunes to the mountains, dry to damp soils.

  • Great for riparian plantings or revegetation sites.

  • Sends a white fluffy plume flower in January 

    Height at maturity (3  years)

  • 2m wide x 3 m tall

Mountain Flax  (Phormium Cookianum)

  • Frost hardy

  • Evergreen

  • Wide, shiny-green, weeping leaves.

  • Seed pods January - March

  • Large root system, good for erosion control

  • Attracts birds with nectar from seeds

  •  Tolerants - dry, cold and windy exposure

    Height at maturity (5 years)

  • 1.5m wide x 1.5m tall

NZ Swamp Flax -Phormium Tenax (Harakeke)

  • Large, traditional flax

  • Seeds January - March

  • Attracts birds with nectar from seeds

  • Excellent for erosion control, shelter & riparian plantings

  • Suits a wide variety of sites from dry to wet

  • Very hardy

  • Evergreen

  • Fast  growing 

    Height at maturity (5 years)

  • 2m wide by 3m tall



Ribbonwood  (Plagianthus Regius)

  • Hardy

  • Fast growing NZ native tree

  • Great choice as a pioneer plant and for revegetation

  • Good shelter and specimen tree

  • Semi-deciduous

  • Hardy

  • Cream flowers in summer

  • Wind resistant

  • Riparian plant

    Height at maturity 

  • 4m wide x 12m tall


Lacebark - Houhere (Hoheria Populnea)

  • Evergreen

  • Fast growing

  • Wind hardy

  • Frost tender when young

  • Good shelter and specimen tree

  • Prefers sunny, moist, fertile soil, free draining sites

  • Scented white flowers in summer

  • Riparian plant

    Height at maturity

  • 3m wide x 8 m tall

Black Matipo

Black Matipo - Kohuhu (Pittosporum Tenuifolium)

  • Hardy

  • Evergreen

  • Suitable to a range of sites

  • Compact tree or shrub

  • Can be trimmed and shaped

  • Great hedging

  • Green leaves with black markings

  • Attracts birds and bees

  • Berries and seeds from January to June

  • Riparian plant

    Height at maturity

  • 3m wide x 6m tall


Lemonwood - Tarata (Pittosporum Eugeniodes)

  • Hardy

  • Large leaves the Black Matipo

  • When break leaves smell like lemon

  • Can be trimmed as a tree, shrub or hedge

  • Tolerates wet soils

  • Fruits change from white to dark blue

  • Great food source for native birds

  • Good low shelter

  • Riparian plant

    Height at maturity

  • 3m wide x 12m tall

Kowhai     (Sophora Tetraptera)

  • Medium sized tree

  • Frost tender when young

  • Semi-deciduous

  • Suited to moist areas but not water logged

  • Full sun, part shade

  • Yellow flowers September-November

  • Nectar in flowers attracts birds and bees

  • Nitrogen fixation due to roots

    Height at maturity

  • 3m wide x 10m tall

Kahikatea (Dacrycarpus dacrydioides)

  • Tallest growing NZ Native Tree

  • Slow growing

  • Edible fruit and attractive to birds.

  • Fruits February to April

  • Intolerant of heavy frosts

  • Best planted in wet, moist soils

  • Full sun or part shade

    Height at maturity

  • 5m wide x 50m tall

Ake Ake - Green (Dodonaea Viscosa)

  • Evergreen

  • Fast growing

  • Full sun or partial shade

  • Flowers in summer

  • Great for hedging and able to be trimmed

  • Tolerates dry conditions

  • Frost tender when young

  • Prefers drained soils

  • Riparian planting

    Height at maturity

  • 2.5m wide x 7m tall

Totara (Podocarpus Totara)

  • Frost tender when young

  • Evergreen

  • Grow in a wide range of sites

  • Fruits March-May

  • Attracts birds

  • Nectar October-December

  • Dry/Moist sites

  • Full sun or partial shade

    Height at maturity

  • 8m wide x 15m tall


Carex Secta (Makura Sedge)

  • Hardy

  • Fast growing

  • Evergreen

  • Can be trimmed to shape and size

  • Wetland plant, prefers moist/wet soils

  • Tolerates dry 

  • Erosion control

  • Riparian plantings

    Height at maturity

  • 1.5m wide x 1.5m tall

Carex Virgata (Pukio Sedge)

  • Hardy

  • Evergreen

  • Dry tolerant

  • Does not mind wet but not permanently 

  • Can be trimmed and shaped in gardens

  • Courser leaves than Secta

  • Full sun or partial shade

  • Dry/moist soils

    Height at maturity

  • 1m wide X 1m tall

Carex Testacea (Orange Sedge)

  • Attractive display

  • Hardy

  • Green to orange colour

  • Best in full sun to achieve colour

  • Can be trimmed and shaped

  • Dry/moist soil

  • Full sun or part shade

    Height at maturity

  • 0.6m wide x 0.6 m tall

Poa Cita         (Silver Tussock)

  • Fast growing small tussock

  • Green

  • Can be trimmed to shape

  • Handles poor soils and dry areas

  • Feather flower head in summer

  • Looks great in mass plantings

    Height at maturity

  • 0.7m wide by 0.7m tall


Hebe Stricta - Koromiko

  • Fast growing spreading shrub

  • Long white spike of flowers in summer

  • Edge of wetlands

  • Full sun

  • Does not tolerate shade

  • Revegetation

  • Pioneer Plant

    Height at maturity

  • 1m wide x 1m tall

Miniature Toi Toi -(Chionochloa Flavicans)

  • Hardy

  • NZ Native tussock

  • Prefers free draining site

  • Green foliage and Lime green flower heads in summer

  • Striking in mass and great for landscaping projects

  • Prefers sun

    Height at maturity

  • 1.5 wide x 1.2 tall

Coprosma Lucida - Karanga (Shining Karamu)

  • Hardy

  • Small compact tree or shrub

  • Can be trimmed

  • Evergreen thick glossy leaves

  • Attracts birds

  • Attracts bees

  • Red/orange berries and seed from January-June.

  • Great low shelter or hedge

    Height at maturity

  • 3m wide X 6m tall

Coprosma Propinqua - (Mingimingi)

  • Hardy

  • Tolerates wet soils

  • Tough large shrub with interlaced foliage

  • Fruit that changes from white to dark blue

  • Food source for birds

  • Great for mixed native plantings

    Height at maturity

  • 2.5 wide x 5m tall

Dianella Nigra - Turutu

  • Type of small flax

  • Bright blue berries in summer

  • Attractive to native birds

  • suitable for dry, damp, wet areas

  • Does better in semi-shade

  • Perfect as substitute for larger flaxes

    Height at maturity

  • 50cm tall x 30cm wide